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How to connect your local Ollama AI using the MuleSoft AI Chain (MAC) project and Anypoint Code Builder (ACB)

Writer's picture: Alex MartinezAlex Martinez


In this post:


This post guides you through building an AI-powered API using Ollama and MuleSoft. You'll start by installing Ollama locally, designing and implementing the API, and testing it in your development environment. With ngrok, you'll expose the API publicly, and finally, deploy it to CloudHub for production use.

For guidance, you can follow along using this GitHub repository.

1 - Install Ollama locally

  • Go to and follow the prompts to install in your local computer

  • Make a note of which version you started running (like llama3 or llama3.2)

  • To verify ollama is running, you should either be able to interact with it in the terminal or you should be able to run "ollama list" or "ollama ps"

  • We will verify the local installation in MuleSoft before deploying to CloudHub

2 - Create the API specification

  • Open Anypoint Code Builder > Design an API

  • Name it MAC-Ollama-API

  • Select REST API > RAML 1.0

  • Create Project

  • Paste the following into this RAML file

  • Publish to Exchange using the Command Palette in VS Code (cmd+shift+P or ctrl+shift+P)

  • You can leave all the defaults (organization, project name, version, etc.) and wait for it to be published

3 - Implement the API

  • Select Yes to implement this API in ACB

  • Name it mac-ollama-proj, select the folder where you want to keep this, select Mule Runtime 4.8 and Java 17

  • Once the project finishes loading, open the mac-ollama-proj.xml file under src/main/mule

  • Click on the Flow List button and switch to the one that starts with "post"

  • Remove the logger from the flow

  • Click on the plus button to add a new connector

  • Click on the Exchange button to search in Exchange

  • Search for the MuleSoft AI Chain module and click on it

  • Select the Chat answer prompt connector

  • Click on the new connector from the canvas

  • Click on the plus button next to the Connection Config

  • Add the following details:



LLM type


Config type

Configuration Json

File path

mule.home ++ "/apps/" ++ ++ "/llm-config.json"

*Make sure to click on the fx button to make this a formula instead of a hardcoded value

Model name


*This will depend on the model you installed locally



LLM timeout


LLM timeout unit

SECONDS (Default)

Max tokens


ℹ️ Note This post was created when the MAC project was on version 1.0.0. This functionality may change in future versions.

  • Click Add

  • Back in the canvas, click on the plus button at the end to add a new connector

  • Add a Transform

  • Set it up like the following:

output application/json

ℹ️ Note If you see a red line/dot at the beginning of the script like in the previous screenshot, head to the XML view and remove the surrounding #[ ]

  • You can add some loggers at the beginning and/or at the end of the flow to show the input/output payloads from the console

  • The Global Configuration / MAC Connection Config should look like the following (located at the beginning of the XML file):

  • The flow should look like the following (located at the end of the XML file):

  • Create a new file called llm-config.json under src/main/resources and paste the following:

    "OLLAMA": {
        "OLLAMA_BASE_URL": "http://localhost:11434"

4 - Test the app locally

  • Run the application locally

  • Once it has started, send a POST request to localhost:8081/api/chat with a JSON body including your question

  • If everything was successful, continue to the next step. Otherwise, please troubleshoot before continuing

  • Stop the app

5 - Use ngrok for the public endpoint

  • Download and install ngrok to make your Ollama endpoint publicly available from the internet. This way, CloudHub will be able to access the URL since it's not only in your local (localhost:11434)

  • Run the following from your Terminal:

ngrok http 11434 --host-header="localhost:11434"

  • Copy the address from the Forwarding field

  • Paste it in your llm-config.json file under src/main/resources

  • Save the file and run the app again to verify everything still works correctly

  • Stop the app once you verify it works

6 - Deploy to CloudHub

  • If everything still works, you are ready to deploy to CloudHub

  • Go to your pom.xml file and change the version to 1.0.0 (remove the SNAPSHOT)

  • Save the file

  • Head to your mac-ollama-proj.xml file and click on the Deploy to CloudHub button

  • Select CloudHub 2.0

  • Select the US-EAST-2 (or whichever region is available on your account)

  • Select the Sandbox environment

  • Make sure everything looks good in the newly created deploy_ch2.json file and click on Deploy

  • Select the Runtime version (including the patch)

  • It will first publish the project to Exchange (as an application)

  • After that, it will be deployed to CloudHub

  • If you're experiencing a lot of issues deploying from ACB, you can also take the generated JAR from the target/ folder and deploy it manually to Runtime Manager

  • Once the deployment is done, get the Public Endpoint from your application and call it to verify the app works

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