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Part 3: Data Cloud + MuleSoft integration - Call your integration with Postman

Writer's picture: Alex MartinezAlex Martinez

Photo by Daniel Ramírez on Unsplash.
Photo by Daniel Ramírez on Unsplash.


Other posts from this series:


In this post:


A little bird told me that deleting records in Data Cloud is actually not that easy to do. So, I did my research and came up with a Mule application for you all to reuse to (hopefully) make your lives easier when dealing with Data Cloud!

In this third part, we'll learn how to use our integration. We'll use Postman for this article, but you can use any other REST client like Thunder Client, cURL, or Advanced REST Client.


  • Postman collection - Download the Postman collection from this link. You can also find other collections/requests here.

  • Postman - Make sure you download Postman. You can also use the web version by creating a Postman account, instead of installing the app locally.

  • Mule app URL - By the end of the previous article, we retrieved the public Endpoint/URL of our deployed Mule application. Make sure you have this before starting.

Import the collection

In Postman, make sure you're located inside the Collections tab and click the Import button.

postman preview on the collections tab

Select the Postman collection you downloaded from the Prerequisites. After you import it, you should now have something like the following.

ℹ️ Note The following screenshot contains only the Streaming insert/delete operations (from when the post was created). The Bulk operations are introduced after the JAR version 2.1.0, updated on July 2024.

postman preview on the collections tab with a new collection

Set up the environment

Select the Environments tab from the left (next to Collections). We could create a Global variable, but we're going to create a new environment to follow best practices. Click on Create Environment.

postman preview on the environments tab

Let's name this environment CloudHub. Add a variable called host and the current value field will be your Mule app URL.

postman preview on the environments tab with a new cloudhub environment and a host variable

Save the variable by clicking on the Save button at the top-right. Select this new environment from the environment dropdown located at the top-right (over the Save button).

environment dropdown previewing the no environment and the cloudhub options

Go back to the Collections tab. You can now run the requests!


With this endpoint, you can send a JSON object to be transformed into the OpenAPI YAML schema. This is needed to create your Ingestion API and Data Stream in Data Cloud.

Because the Ingestion API doesn't accept nested objects on the schema, this endpoint will transform your multi-level object into the single level needed for Data Cloud.

For example, if you paste the following input payload under the Body tab of the request:

  "customer": {
    "id": 1,
    "first_name": "Alex",
    "last_name": "Martinez",
    "email": "",
    "address": {
      "street": "415 Mission Street",
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "state": "CA",
      "postalCode": "94105",
      "geo": {
        "lat": 37.78916,
        "lng": -122.39521

postman preview of the schema request showing the body of the request

it would be first flattened and transformed into the following output:

  "customer": {
    "id": 1,
    "first_name": "Alex",
    "last_name": "Martinez",
    "email": "",
    "street": "415 Mission Street",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "postalCode": "94105",
    "lat": 37.78916,
    "lng": -122.39521

then, based on this new input, you will receive the YAML schema like the following:

openapi: 3.0.3
      type: object
          type: number
          type: string
          type: string
          type: string
          type: string
          type: string
          type: string
          type: string
          type: number
          type: number

If you want to change the OpenAPI version, you will have to set a different version using the openapiversion query parameter. To do this, go to the Params tab inside the request and modify the value.

postman preview of the schema request showing the params tab to see the query parameters

ℹ️ Note This is the only request that does not connect to Data Cloud and is not using your Data Cloud credentials. If you need to use this request before setting up your Salesforce configurations, you can go through the Mule app deployment (Part 2) and just input random credentials as a placeholder for the secured properties. You can modify them later in CloudHub.


Send your SOQL query in the body of the request in a text/plain format. You can modify the query by going to the Body tab inside the request.

postman preview showing the query request in the body tab

You will receive a JSON response with the result from Data Cloud. For example, from the previous query, you'd receive a JSON Array with the results of the SELECT:

    "DataSourceObject__c": "MuleSoft_Ingestion_API_runner_profiles_38447E8E",
    "DataSource__c": "MuleSoft_Ingestion_API_996db928_2078_4e3a_9c67_1c80b32790aa",
    "city__c": "Toronto",
    "created__c": "2017-07-21",
    "email__c": "",
    "first_name__c": "Alex",
    "gender__c": "NB",
    "last_name__c": "Martinez",
    "maid__c": 1.000000000000000000,
    "state__c": "ON"

If there are no records matching the query, you'll receive an empty array ([ ]).


Make sure you add the following query parameters (in the Params tab) to let Data Cloud know more information about where you want to insert new records:

postman preview showing the insert request with the params tab open showing the query parameters

Next, in the body of the request (Body tab), make sure to use a JSON Array. Each Object inside this Array is a new record. For example:

    "maid": 1,
    "first_name": "Alex",
    "last_name": "Martinez",
    "email": "",
    "gender": "NB",
    "city": "Toronto",
    "state": "ON",
    "created": "2017-07-21"

postman preview showing the insert request and the body of the request

⚠️ Important Streaming in Data Cloud in limited to max 200 records per insertion.

If everything runs smoothly, you will receive a 200 - OK successful response.

ℹ️ Note It may take a few minutes for your data to be updated in Data Cloud. You can manually check the records in Data Cloud or wait to attempt the /query from your MuleSoft API.


Make sure you add the following query parameters (in the Params tab) to let Data Cloud know more information about where you want to insert new records:

postman preview showing the delete request with the params tab open showing the query parameters

Next, in the body of the request, make sure to use a JSON Array. Each Object inside this Array is the Primary Key of the record to delete. For example:


postman preview showing the delete request and the corresponding body

⚠️ Important Streaming in Data Cloud in limited to max 200 records per deletion.

If everything runs smoothly, you will receive a 200 - OK successful response.

ℹ️ Note It may take a few minutes for your data to be updated in Data Cloud. You can manually check the records in Data Cloud or wait to attempt the /query from your MuleSoft API.


That's it! That's all you need to know to get your Mule application going. I will be working on more enhancements to this app and I'll be writing more articles for you to learn how to implement/edit this code on your own.

Keep posted!

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💬 Prost! 🍻

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1 commentaire

Ede Murali
Ede Murali
26 févr. 2024

Data Cloud + MuleSoft Integrations Prebuilt use cases & reusable assets are projects delivery faster for organizations.

Nice Work. Thanks Alex.

Innovation must be in action., an easy-to-use, cloud-based data integration solution to import, export, and delete Salesforce data.


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